It's so funny to me that Sammy is just barely starting to have an opinion about what he wears...but this little stinker loves to pick out her own clothes and wants to dress herself!
Reecey took my newly folded towels and made a little bed for herself and her baby. It was so cute I couldn't be mad. Any questions to why Shawn's back is bothering him? This is my favorite!
A couple weeks ago we went to Shawn's sisters in Texas to attend her son Chase's baptism....we had a great time! I wish I had taken more pictures, but here is what I have... Here is Chase the Birthday Boy!! Congrats Chase...we were so glad that we could be at your baptism! Reece just LOVED her big cousin Allie! Sammy finally got to try ice skating!!! Shawn was such a good and patient Dad! Sammy loved it! We got to spend time with Shawn's nephew's Taden & Carson... and Reece got a new baby from the American Girl Store...she was in heaven!!